Important Days in February 2019

Dates & Days Event
1st February-
       Kalpana Chawla’s Death Anniversary

2nd February-
            World Wetlands Day
4th February -
            World Cancer Day
6th February -
          International Day of Zero Tolerance
to Female Genital Mutilation
7th February-
      Safer Internet Day
(second day of second week of February)
10th February-
              World Pulses Day
National De-worming Day
11th February-
   (a)- International day of women and girls in science
(b)- Thomas Edison’s Birth Anniversary
12th February -
    (a)-   International Darwin Day
    (b)-  National Productivity Day
13th February -
   (a)-  World Radio Day
    (b)  National Women’s Day
14th February-
            Valentine Day
15th February -
(a) Singles Awareness Day
(b) Lithuanian Independence Day
20th February
          World Day of Social Justice
21st February
        International Mother Language Day
22th February -
          World Thinking day
24th February
           Central Excise Day
27th February -
          World NGO Day
28th February
         National Science Day

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