PM Narendra Modi receives Seoul Peace Prize for 2018 ( Full artical About Seoul Peace Prize)

The award was presented to him by Kwon E-hyock, the Chairman of the Seoul Peace Prize Cultural Foundation at a grand ceremony in Seoul, South Korea. A short film on the life and achievements of Prime Minister Modi was also screened at the event.

* Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 22, 2019 received the prestigious Seoul Peace Prize 2018 for his contribution to international cooperation and fostering global economic growth.
The committee credited him for his efforts in promoting global peace and harmony through inclusive economic growth and improving quality of life.
The award was presented to him by Kwon E-hyock, the Chairman of the Seoul Peace Prize Cultural Foundation at a grand ceremony in Seoul, South Korea. A short film on the life and achievements of Prime Minister Modi was also screened at the event.
With this, PM Modi became the 14th recipient of the Seoul Peace Prize.

About Seoul Peace Prize

• The Seoul Peace Prize was established in 1990 to commemorate the success of the 24th Olympic Games held in Seoul, Korea which saw participation of 160 nations, creating harmony and friendship. 

• The award was established to crystallise the Korean people's yearning for peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the rest of the world.

• The award has been conferred biennially to individuals who have made their mark through contributions to the harmony of mankind, reconciliation between nations and to world peace. 

• The awardee receives a diploma, a plaque and honorarium of USD 200,000.

• Past laureates include distinguished global personalities like former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and international relief organizations like Doctors Without Borders and Oxfam.

The Seoul Peace Prize was established to mark the success and spirit of the 24th Summer Olympics held in Seoul in 1988.The 1988 Olympics were held at a time when the world was undergoing a massive transformation. The Iran-Iraq War had just ended; the Geneva Accords relating to the situation in Afghanistan were signed; the Cold War was about to end

List Of Seoul Peace Prize
The Seoul Peace Prize is a biennial recognition with monetary award, which was started by the South Korea to commemorate the success of the 24th Summer Olympic Games held in Seoul, Korea. 160 nations from across the world took part, creating harmony and friendship in the 24th Summer Olympic Games. In this award, the recipient receives a diploma, a plaque and honorarium of US$200, 000.

How is the Seoul Peace Prize recipient selected?

The internal committee includes over 1,300 nominators, including internationally renowned Korean and foreign figures in political, economic, social, cultural, athletic, academic and other fields. The nominators should send back the forms after filling in the name of their candidates and their achievements three months before the advised date for the award giving ceremony. The final recipient is selected through a vote by members of the committee.

Recipient and Description

*Narendra Modi
Year: 2018
Country: India
Reason for Award: For his contributions to world peace and economic growth

*Denis Mukwege
Year: 2016
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Reason for Award: In recognition of his devotion towards ending unjust wars and conflicts

*Angela Merkel
Year: 2014
Country: Germany
Reason for Award: In recognition of her outstanding contribution to protecting human rights, promoting peace, and preventing war and terrorism through international cooperation

*Ban Ki-moon
Year: 2012
Country: South Korea
Reason for Award: In recognition of his efforts for the promotion of world peace falls short of crediting him enough for his implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for socioeconomic development and poverty reduction in developing nations

José Antonio Abreu
Year: 2010
Country: Venezuela
Reason for Award: For saving juveniles from violence and crime and contributing to building a peaceful society by promoting harmony, cooperation and fellowship through the organization of orchestras

*Abdul Sattar Edhi
Year: 2008
Country: Pakistan
Reason for Award: His decisive role in achieving the unanimous passage of the North Korea Human Rights Act of 2004 in the US Congress and her endless struggle for underprivileged citizens

*Muhammad Yunus
Year: 2006
Country: Bangladesh
Reason for Award: For being the foremost leader in the global fight to combat poverty

*Václav Havel
Year: 2004
Country: Czech Republic
Reason for Award: His role in democratizing the then-Czechoslovakia and influencing many

Year: 2002
Country: United Kingdom
Reason for Award: In recognition of its outstanding achievements in relieving people from poverty, plight and calamity

*Sadako Ogata
Year: 2000
Country: Japan
Reason for Award: His major role in making the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees one of the world's principal humanitarian agencies as part of several UN Boards. He received this award for helping alleviate the plight of refugees.

*Kofi Annan
Year: 1998
Country: Ghana
Reason for Award: For his management tasks to refugee and peace-keeping issues and his proposed agreement for peace that avoided war in the Gulf

*Médecins Sans Frontières
Year: 1996
Country: Switzerland
Reason for Award: For delivering emergency medical relief to populations whose health is threatened by war, civil strife, epidemics or natural disasters

*George Shultz
Year: 1992
Country: United States of America
Reason for Award: For playing a decisive role in ending the Cold War during his tenure

*Juan Antonio Samaranch
Year: 1990
Country: Spain
Reason for Award: For his significant contribution to world peace through sports

The prime objective of the award is to crystallize the Korean people's yearning for peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the rest of the world.

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