7 February 2019 Q/A

(Q 1) Which State Government has launched kalia Students Scholorship to boost education For Farmers Children
Ans: - Odisha (Kalia Chhataravariti Yojana)

(Q2) India's 40th Communication Satellite That was Launched on February 5 From French Guiana?
Ans:- GSAT 31 (Ariana 5)

(Q3) Which State Govt. makes it MansaMand for Industry to hire 70% locals?
  Ans:- Madya Pradesh

(Q4) Which space Telescope has  Discovered a new Dwarf Galaxy "Bedin 1" in comic neighbhood? 
  Ans :- Hubbel 

(Q5) Which city is the venue of ICT Academy Bridge 2019 conference? 
  Ans :- Channai 

(Q6) President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim jong un will held the second summit in which country? 
  Ans :- Vietnam -> 2th Meating ( 1st in Singapore)

(Q7) Internmedite Nuclear Forces (INF) is in between which countries? 
  Ans :- USA and Russia (cold war --era 1984)

(Q8) Which indian squash Player has won the 2019 Seattle Open Title? 
  Ans :- Ranit Tandan 

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